Saturday, December 29, 2018

More Christmas and Winter Wreaths!

Christmas was just five days ago, but it seems like it was longer than that. I have been transitioning out of the Christmas mode and getting ready for the next season of wreath making, crafting and quilt making! My most creative time of year is during the winter. I am not housebound and on nice days I like to get outside; but on snowy days, I really enjoy staying home and hunkering down and making things. It is also the time of year when ideas for writing short stories and essays come to me. I like to think winter is the time that God gave us to rest, just like the earth does. When springtime comes, I can hardly wait to get outdoors and smell the fresh earth as it awakens from its long winter sleep. For now, though, I am so happy to be inside making things while it snows and the rooms are filled with the reflected light from the snow-covered ground.

To catch you up with what has been happening in my studio, here are some photos of wreaths that needed to be gifted before posting here on my blog. I would hate to ruin a surprise by posting too soon.
Please click on the photos below if you want a closer look.
After Christmas has passed and we get into January, I love the look of cool blues, whites and silver. This wreath just screams cold winter days to me! Brrrrrrrr!
A custom order for someone who saw the wreath I donated to the Gateway Home Winterfest fund raiser. You can see the other wreath I am referring to here:  This one is a bit fuller and fancier with a few more embellishments than the one I donated. Buffalo check and the little red truck was very popular this Christmas season.
A bit simpler style winter-theme wreath, than the one pictured above. As it turned out, the colors of the ribbons and mesh I used in this one matched the recipient's living room perfectly! Wreaths can be made without a center ornament and still be very pretty. This one is very calming in those denim-like shades of blue.
There are only two more days left in 2018. Something my husband and I like to do is write down a few of the highlights of the past year and share them with each other while the old year passes. When we look back at our calendar, a lot has happened in the last 365 days. Some days were wonderful and some were challenging. But the good news is we survived. We definitely learned many new things, thanks to new experiences, people we have met, our smart phones and Google. If you want to know about something, it is as close as your fingertips. That is a wonderful thing about technology and expands our knowledge and spurs us on to new interests.

As always, I look forward to hearing back from you with any questions or comments you may wish to share. You can comment here on my blog or on Facebook. I read all the comments and will respond.

I hope the close of the year brings you a sense of peace and that the promise of 2019 fills you with hope. May you and those you love enjoy good health and happiness, and until we meet again, may the Lord hold you in the hollow of His hand.


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