Thursday, August 29, 2024

It Is Time . . .

When is the right time to start something new? If you are like me, it may be when everything else on your TO DO list is crossed off. At least, that is how I tend to think and operate. However, since everything is NEVER crossed off my list, that means it is never the right time to start something new. This tendancy to wait for the right time is my enemy. It prevents me from being my creative self and the result is frustration and sadness. It is self-imposed and there is no one else to blame for it but myself. This tendancy to put limitations on myself is unhealthy. Why live with such a feeling of defeat and punishment? Why can I easily sit down every morning and plan my day with its errands and chores, but not plan for more enjoyment? Is this really how I want to live my life and spend my days? There is a real disconnect between my task-oriented self and my creative self.

This past spring and summer, when I awoke from my self-imposed hibernation over the winter months, I realized the tension this was creating for me when many of my friends and acqaintances told me how much they have enjoyed reading my blog posts over the past several years and my occasional outfit of the day facebook posts. They said they liked to read my blog and liked the photos I posted on Facebook, but they missed them lately, since I had not been writing or posting as often. I was very touched by their kind and heartfelt comments. To ignore them would be rude and thankless. Afterall, they shared a part of themselves with me when they told me I had made a difference in some small way to their lives. I hadn't considered that before. They were earnest and I was very moved. I want to change, and the only person who can make that happen is ME! So, this short blog post makes it official. I have put it in writing and into the universe. Now, let’s see what happens!

I have a few blog posts started in my file and will peruse them to see if they are something I want to use for future posts. In the meantime, until I publish another post, here are some photos from recent months in the garden and around the house. My closing remarks appear at the end of the photos.

Emmy the Gardner listening to an audiobook

A male Cardinal enjoying the morning sun on the arbor with fragrant honeysuckle. In just one season, the vines have grown to the top. 

Close up of a honeysuckle blossom.
The hummingbirds love them.

A beautiful large hydrangea that bloomed again this year. It showed up in our garden for the first time last year. We don't know how it got here. We didn't plant it, but we're grateful to Mother Nature!

We scored this handy new-in-the-box greenhouse on Facebook marketplace. It came in handy this spring and now is a holding/staging area for pots and gardening supplies. Our birdfood is kept dry and pest free in the metal can.

My little amaryllis farm. They enjoy the summer sun and warmth on the east-facing deck until it's time to hibernate in dormancy in the basement from mid-September until mid- to late-November.

A cicada stopped by to say hello. Its exoskeleton looks like a scarab. 

This little one visits the yard and garden almost every morning. As long as she only eats the clover, she's welcome. ♡

My delicate little windchime that makes sweet sounds in the breeze. A contribution from my sister. ♡

Our farm box from Oatka Creek Farm in LeRoy, NY. We joined their CSA this year and have enjoyed the fresh produce. They're also at the Saturday morning Farmers Market in LeRoy. 

Finally a homemade pizza. It's been a while since I made one. This has fresh mozzarella, cup 'n char pepperoni and some of the eggplant from Oatka Creek Farm. 😋

Spiralized fresh ruby red beets from Oatka Creek Farm. ♡

My typical afternoon reward for tackling some projects on my TO DO list. That's double-strength half-caff in the mason jar.  👁👁

Pensive Emmy
Hoping to start something new.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. You can click on any of the photos to enlarge them if you want a closer look.

As always, your questions and comments are welcome here on my blog or on my Facebook post. Kindly add your name, initials or something that will identify you to me when you post comments on my blog. Blogger doesn't always recognize my friends and calls everyone "anonymous"! I love to read your comments and after I've read and approved them, they'll appear on my blog.

It is my sincere wish that you and those you love are happy and healthy. And until we meet again, may the Lord hold you in the hollow of His hand.



  1. Thank you for sharing!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank YOU for your encouragement and support! ❤

  3. It is nice to read you again.
    I never wait to begin a new project, since for me it’s all about the process, not the product. 😊

  4. Refreshing break from the chaos!

    1. Thank you! It's good to step away from the chaos as often as possible!
