Monday, February 20, 2023

Signs of Hope

Pictured are snow drops, daffodil leaves pushing up, our forsythia bush, tulips emerging next to a tree and a close up of the new leaves on the forsythia. 

Spring will officially arrive one month from today, but here in Alexander, New York,  there are some welcome signs that indicate spring is as anxious to get here as I am to welcome it!

It's been a windy winter and some days it's been just too bone-chilling cold and muddy for me to walk about in our yard. But today, the wind was only 11 mph, the ground had dried out a little and the temperature was a mild 39°F.

I grabbed my leaf blower on the way out the door and used it to move a lot of the leaves away from my path. I left most of them right where they were on the flower beds though, because it's way too early to uncover them . . . especially when there's ice and snow in the forecast. The weather is very changeable in February and March in Western New York. We've already had days in the 50's that were followed by temps a few days later that dipped into the teens.

On my next walkabout, I'll cut some forsythia branches. They'll look pretty as they blossom in a tall vase and they require no special attention, except water. It's a big reward for no effort!

I hope you are enjoying the hope that spring's return offers and that you'll be noticing signs in the coming weeks.

I had written in my last post that I'd write about my adventures with my breadmaker. It's been a year since I started making breads and I will write about it soon. It's been fun and rewarding. 

Thank you for taking a few moments to read this post. Your questions and comments are welcome, either on Facebook or in the comment section here in Blogger. 

It is my sincere hope that you and those you love are happy and healthy and until we meet again, may the Lord hold you in the hollow of His hand.



1 comment:

  1. Thank you always for a nice “chat”…. Pointing out things that are to be appreciated no matter the season! We must enjoy the nice days… but pay for them with the not so nice ones! Part of living in WNY🤷‍♀️😻🌞❄️🌸
