Monday, January 16, 2023


Birthdays. I usually don't lament them. Instead, I have always looked forward to birthdays. But this year I've been in a bit of a funk as the big day has been approaching. It's not the number that makes me sad. I don't feel old. It's the fact that there's so much I have yet to do while I'm on this earth. And as my mother used to say when she got to be my age, "Ive got more years behind me than I have ahead of me." I've been fortunate to have lived a pretty amazing life ... by my terms ... and I want it to continue for many more years. I have goals and I'm trying to make each day count ... not always in big ways, but in small and significant ways that make a meaningful difference in the lives of others.

There's a YouTube channel that I like to watch ...

I really enjoyed her message today. It was what I needed to hear as I lived this last day of my 6th decade of life. Granted, Nikol is much younger than me, but she works with many clients who are my age and older. She gets it.

There are lots of thoughts and memories running through my mind tonight as I write this, but I'll let Nikol sum it up for me. Here's a link to the video she published yesterday:

Thanks for reading my post. It is my wish that you and those you love are happy and healthy; and until we meet again, may the Lord hold you in the hollow of His hand.


1 comment:

  1. What an interesting video. I love all the positive women she quoted and the messages about ageing being a natural process to embrace. A friend once said that her life gets better with every decade. I hope you feel that way today.
