Some of my friends and followers have asked me where I have been. I haven't gone away and I haven't stopped blogging, but I found during the summer I was outdoors more than I was inside! There is always yard and garden work to do and when I take a break, it has been nice to just sit in our backyard and daydream. Since I don't spend as much time inside, like I do when colder weather arrives, I'm not at my computer organizing my thoughts into an outline or just typing some random ideas that might make their way into a post someday. You might think I could have squeezed in some time for a blog post here and there . . . and in hindsight, I think I could have, too; but . . . that's my story and I'm sticking to it!
This summer was especially tough with oppressive heat and humidity. It made me think a lot about my parents and how hard they worked every day on the farm in the heat of summer . . . and there were plenty of hot summers when I was a kid. My father would work in the hot sun and my mother would prepare big noon-time meals in the steamy kitchen. As I struggled just to have the energy to pull weeds and water my garden, I wondered how on earth they did what they did day in and day out for all their lives. Yet, I also think they enjoyed their lives and I am pretty sure they would be happy for me and the luxuries I have. They would be amazed at the conveniences we have today and would enjoy the time saved in the fields and in the kitchen because of technological advances.
Although we are now into fall, in many ways my garden is more beautiful at this time of year than in the summer. The perennials have had time to grow and fill out and some are now in full flower. I have some favorite photos I have taken this summer that appear in this post with captions under them. Other than that, this isn't a post of much depth; but instead, it is a post of summer memories and the simple delights that I found in my own backyard. The photos are a bit random and in no particular order, but are some of my favorites. I have more photos to post that are more recent and I will include them in a post later this month. :-)
You can click on the photos for a closer view.
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I saw fewer Monarch butterflies this summer than last year. Every time I see one, it still thrills me! |
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The clematis climbed up the trellis and gave us some blooms this summer. All that remains now are the seed pods. |
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I also cut some hydrangeas for drying. They are dry now and I need to find a use for them! I am thinking they may look nice on a Christmas tree. |
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This is how the hydrangea bush looked in the summer . . . before the blossoms turned green. I think I cut about 150 stems and there are still about 100 left! |
Now that it is officially fall, I plan to get back in the groove and write posts more often. I will miss the warm weather and hours spent in the yard and garden, but as I write this we are experiencing what might be the hottest day for October 9th in over 100 years, so the warm weather hasn't left us yet!
It is time to decorate for fall and to start thinking about buttoning up a few things outside. My mind will turn to thoughts of apples, cider, chunky sweaters, raking leaves, trips to the pumpkin patch and that crisp cool nip in the air that says "it's fall"! I will have time to think about things other than my yard and garden and I will be back without such a long delay. I admit it . . . I get rather myopic when it comes to my garden. I am sure you have noticed! ;-)
Thank you for taking the time to read my post. As always, your comments and questions are welcome. I hope you and those you love are well and happy . . . and until we meet again, may the Lord hold you in the hollow of His hand.
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