Monday, December 31, 2012

Good Bye 2012 . . .

A time of looking back and also a time to plan for the new year. A few resolutions come to mind . . . mostly finishing projects, keeping my studio organized (yeah, right!), planting that dream perennial garden I have planned on paper . . . and getting a handle on an exercise routine that works for me! 

Winter has always been a time for me to hunker down and sew, knit, sketch, plan, dream, . . . and this winter so far is no exception. I love to be inside where it is warm when it is so very cold outside. The bright snow elevates my mood and makes the light so much better in my studio! Of course, if I get really motivated, I may break out my snowshoes! I used to love to snowshoe...just have to get back to it! It is peaceful and I always got a good workout from just walking around in the snow! (Walking as a sport is something I can actually already do and the learning curve is flat!)

To keep me honest and on track with my projects, I will be posting some pictures in January of things I will be working on. That way, I will have my friends here in the blog world to keep tabs on me and help me stay motivated . . (hint, hint . . . !)

Of course, new StudioEmmy orders will come first . . . but there will be time to work on all of the UFO's (Unfinished Objects) that are stashed in my closet!

Speaking of having time . . . it is almost noon and my day awaits! Have a safe and peaceful end of the year.

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